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Harley Davidson Shifts Production Overseas

Harley-Davidson Shifts Production Overseas

Union Workforce Expresses Discontent

Company Cites Cultural Shift as Reason for Move

In a move that has sparked controversy, Harley-Davidson has announced plans to relocate a significant portion of its motorcycle production to Thailand. The decision has angered the company's union workforce, who argue that it will lead to job losses and a decline in the quality of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Harley-Davidson has defended its decision, stating that the move is necessary to remain competitive in the global market. The company claims that Thailand offers lower production costs and a skilled workforce that can meet the company's high standards.

The union workforce, however, believes that Harley-Davidson is sacrificing quality for profit. They argue that the Thai workforce does not have the same level of experience and expertise as the American workforce, and that the move will result in a decrease in the quality of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

The controversy surrounding Harley-Davidson's decision highlights the challenges faced by American manufacturers in the global economy. As companies seek to reduce costs and remain competitive, they are increasingly looking to relocate production overseas. This trend has led to job losses in the United States and has raised concerns about the future of American manufacturing.

Harley-Davidson's decision is a particularly symbolic one, as the company is an iconic American brand that has been synonymous with quality and craftsmanship. The move suggests that even the most cherished American brands are not immune to the pressures of globalization.
